Tag Archives: horrible happening

oh, arrow.

today was my first day back to work since going to sc. not only that, but it was my first day back to work sans arrow. while I was away, he got away from his pet sitter… and it was all bad.

let me start by saying arrow kind of felt like my third dog. he stayed with us 10 days out of every month while my boss went on vacation. (yes, he vacations a lot… ) I loved him. he was so smart, moody, hilarious… he was a good dog. elsie and baxter loved having him around… which was part of why I would watch him. he tired elsie out! so, needless to say, I felt super guilty when I got the news… especially since I should have been the one watching him.

mid-vacation I got a text from a co-worker… I was out, arrow escaped. animal control knows. we’re searching for him.

okay. don’t freak out. he’s smart. they’ll find him. he’s gonna be fine.

I didn’t hear much after that, other than facebook posts telling everyone they were looking for him and to let them know if anyone saw him… of course I reposted… it was reposted a lot, by a lot of people. he was loved. that’s for sure.

flying home on wednesday, I was wondering to myself if we’d find him. I was supposed to swing by work on my way home from the airport and pick him up. he was going to spend the rest of the time my boss was away with our family…

the second our plane landed I got a text from the same co-worker, arrow is dead.

to which I replied, WHAT?!

two seconds later, another co-worker texts me… arrow was found dead.

I burst into tears. the twenty-something uber fashionable chickadee sitting next to me asks, omg, are you okay?

yeah, my bosses dog died. I blubbered back.

I cried the whole way to the baggage claim. cried in the bathroom changing g… and once I saw john… I felt a little relief. weird, right? he told me feeling guilty was pointless… arrow was arrow… a natural wanderer… he died doing what he loved… right? love him.

it was awkward at work today. I miss that dog. I miss him harassing me for treats and me having to shush him when he’s half howl half barking at me… and I miss making him leave the treat until drool was pouring out of his mouth. it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it, but accidents happen… and sorry to say, arrow happened to fall victim to one. he was only four years old.

I’m gonna miss you, arrow. wait, no… strike that… I already do.

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